Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Prezados leitores:
Talvez gostem de saber que, segundo notícias recentes, o valor "imobiliário" continua a melhor, com um subida de 12.2% em relação ao ano anterior, conforme podem confiemar no gráfico e texto (em inglês) abaixo. 

Ao fim e ao cabo, nem tudo seão más not´cias, para quem procura vender e, para quem procura comprar...pois que pense bem se vale apena esperar mais.

home prices 073013

Home prices continued to gain steam in May according to a closely-watched reading, even as mortgage rates climbed.

The S&P/Case-Shiller home price index was up 12.2% compared to a year ago, slightly better than the 12.1% rise in April. It was the biggest year-over-year jump in prices since March 2006, near the peak of the housing bubble.
Just a year ago, the index showed a 12-month decline in prices. But they have increased every month since June 2012, and each month the increase has been greater than the month before.
Home values have been rising due to a combination of factors, including a drop in foreclosures that had been putting downward pressure on prices, and a tight supply of houses available for sale. But the record low mortgage rates of earlier this year have risen significantly since then, crimping thepurchasing power of potential home buyers.
Still, at least in this May reading, the mortgage rates have not slowed the rapid increase in prices.

Neste ponto, somente para dar a conhecer, informo que ractivei aminha licença de Real Estate a qual me dar´+a oportunidade de assistir ocasinais interessados  em comprar ou vender. 

Boa sorte a todos.

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